Timber customer magazine 2023


Metsä Fibre pursues its strategy through three programmes: industrial efficiency, customer portfolio development and sustainable solutions. We follow our strategy in everyday work as we continue to improve our competences and our services through strategic projects. Industrial efficiency means not only enhancing our operations but also engaging in long-term work to make the entire converting and value chain more efficient – to benefit the final user of the end product. We aim to be able to offer products and services that will also improve the industrial efficiency of our customers. Our new Rauma sawmill is a prime example of how we have completely rethought the use of modern technology to improve quality and increase production volumes while supporting the operational efficiency of customers. Through long-term customer relationships , we are able to create more added value across the converting chain and to jointly examine and develop product specifications that meet the needs of end-users better than ever. We can also provide our customers with added value services that support their business. For example, we have systematically developed the responsibility and sustainability of our own operations and can make this competence available to our customers. We want to be our customers’ first choice. We are updating our business strategy for sawn timber that will fulfil customer needs and expectations ever better and link them seamlessly to our raw material base, production, and supply chain. Our goal is to find sustainable ways of achieving industrial efficiency in creating added value across the chain. We also seek to help our customers support the business of their customers. They can, for example, invite their customers to Finland to see and experience Metsä Fibre’s sustainable operations, forests that are the source of sustainably produced raw material and Finland’s sustainable forest management. Reliable deliveries are another way to build and strengthen long-term customer relationships. We have several production units, and our sawn timber production is closely integrated with pulp production. We can produce and supply sawn timber regardless of market conditions. This is a major reason why we are the preferred partner of many customers.



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