Timber customer magazine 2023


CLT (cross laminated timber) consists of three or more layers of board glued together crosswise. The structure is fire resistant, strong and stiff yet lightweight. The CLT elements used to build Hyytiälä Campus are made of certified spruce sawn timber from Metsä Fibre’s Vilppula sawmill. “The sawn timber used in CLT elements must be extra dry, meaning a moisture content of 12 per cent,” says Ville Valio , Metsä Fibre’s Area Sales Director, Europe. Drying is a sensitive and demanding process. If it is disturbed or if the drying process is too harsh, the sawn timber may twist or even crack. The timber for Hyytiälä was made into CLT elements at CLT Plant’s facilities, which produced 350 elements of varying shapes and sizes. Sami Kakkori, CLT Plant’s Sales Manager, says elements are particularly suitable for the construction of large buildings such as apartment blocks, schools, and kindergartens. “The stiffness of CLT elements is architectonically versatile and even allows cantilevered structures. Although they offer a structural strength equivalent to that of concrete, they weigh only a fifth as much. This is a good feature when adding extra storeys to a building. Transport is also inexpensive, as a single pallet can accommodate around 50 cubic metres of elements.” On the construction site, the CLT elements are erected using a crane. Thanks to their strength, the elements can serve as inside walls and load-bearing structures. The tight structure eliminates the necessity for a separate vapour barrier. Because of their visual appeal, CLT elements are used increasingly in the construction of office facilities in industrial halls. “Wood adds comfort to workspaces, which more and more companies are coming to appreciate.” •

Certified, specially dried timber from Metsä Fibre’s Vilppula sawmill was used as the raw material for the CLT elements at Hyytiälä.



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