Timber customer magazine 2023


6–7 Greetings Synergy with customers creates progress.

40–43 Our timber in the world

Wood demand has been rising year after year in the Middle East and North Africa. Finnish sawn timber is popular because of its high quality.

10–17 5 sawmills – 5 strengths

Metsä Fibre’s Finnish sawmills are renowned for their quality. The mill managers reveal the factors behind their success.

44–49 Nordic wood is part of a German success story A partnership with Metsä Fibre supports the growth of the German company Cordes.

18–19 A word from the CEO

Sustainable values are at the core of our strategy. By developing them we are contributing to the forest industry’s sustainable future.

50–53 Only the best wood for windows European door and window manufacturers rely on Nordic wood.

20–25 Living comfort in research

54–57 Wood for the growing Chinese market The customers of the China’s BNBMG Forests are increasingly interested in the safety, sustainability and origin of products. 58–63 Forests are part of Finnish family history Passed down from generation to generation, a Finnish forest is part of the shared heritage of the family. Three Metsä Fibre employees talk about their forests.

At its campus at Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Helsinki University is studying the benefits of wood construction in a Living Lab environment.

26–33 Professionals at work

At Rauma’s state-of-the-art pine sawmill, quality comes from skilled operators, for whom the first-class quality of sawn timber is a matter of professional pride.

34–37 New bioproducts from sawdust

64–65 Metsä Fibre Take a look at our services and organisation.

Montinutra Ltd is a Metsä Spring portfolio company that processes sawdust to biochemicals that can replace fossil raw materials in technical chemicals and cosmetics.

38–39 Closer on-site service

Technical Customer Service Manager Victoria Eklund accompanies sawn timber from the mill to the customer.

Timber Customer Magazine 2023 I Metsä Fibre, PL 30, 02020 Metsä I www.metsafibre.com I Publisher: Metsä Fibre I Editor-In-Chief: Eva Martin I Editorial Board: Ari Harmaala, Raili Koponen, Mikael Lagerblom, Kustaa Laine, Sami Peltoniemi, Tommi Saarnisto, Leena Salminen, Tiina Tassi, Ville Valio, Harri Vertanen, Katri Viitanen I Production: Hube Helsinki I Account Director: Sanna Laakkonen I Producers: Maria Latokartano, Katri Riihi- vaara I Layout: Hube Helsinki I Cover Photo: Christian Jakowleff I Printing Press: Punamusta Oy I ISSN: 2736-8297 (print), 2737-0925 (online) I The magazine is published in Finnish, English, French and Chinese I Address Source: Metsä Fibre’s customer and stakeholder register. I If you do not wish to receive the magazine, please send us an email: metsafibre.marketing@metsagroup.com



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